As a 3rd generation astrologer who first learned and practiced the Tropical system and then discovered the Sidéreal system 15 years ago, I have had to rely on various You Tube channels for information. I JUST discovered Juliana when I googled the Kelleher US chart, and after reading her very last blog and now her 2023 observations, I am blown away! I now have a one-stop source for vedic planetary transits and repercussions for our society. I am pleasantly surprised the subscription is free, but I would gladly drop Ann Coulter and pay for this! Keep up the good work, Ms. Swanson!

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Dear Cheryl, you are very kind. We are planning to monetize the page in the future with an additional offering. The rest of this, for now at least, is my seva. Bless you so much, and do chime in anytime.

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I remember the Nixon Shock, as I was in college. Thank you so much for the information. I will read your posts again, and the suggested one and research further. I’m gaining a great deal from your posts. Thank you so much for sharing your Vedic knowledge, Juliana.

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Thank you, Juliana ❤️

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Looking forward to the lightning speed shift, actually.

Happy New Year to all.

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I have been wondering about the meaning of Neptune's moving into Pisces in February 2023.

I was thinking that the meaning of Neptune's being in Aquarius since around 2009 might be the encouragement of delusion, and I am particularly thinking of the dissemination of wokeness from the universities to the wider society, particularly in the English-speaking world, but also in other parts of Europe, and it is noteworthy that Putin is now making this one of his main planks in what might be described as his policy platform. May be over time with Neptune in Pisces wokeness will diminish, eventually to zero; what is your opinion?

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Neptune moved into Pisces in April 2022 already for the first time...I wrote some of my thoughts about it here: https://astralharmony.com/blog/neptune-in-pisces-april-2022-to-february-2037/ and here: https://astralharmony.com/blog/jupiter-neptune-conjunction-march-april-2022/ and as to an end to wokeness, Neptune in Pisces will be a time of tremendous idealism associated with an urge to dissolve tired old paradigms and world views in favor of a more charitable universalist vision. That sounds like possibly a resistance to Neo-Marxist identity politics and woke ideology, yes? We can only hope! Maybe that is some of what we are seeing now on Twitter. But the US is still in a very negative Rahu mahadasha until 2033 which points to globalism, involvement in international military conflicts and expenditures, loss of cultural identity/culture wars, economic upheaval, massive polarization, out of control immigration, political and religious extremism, mental and physical health crises including the opioid crisis, propaganda and manipulation by the Plutocrats in all walks of government and industry, and the destruction of traditional mores and customs (like humanistic values) led by the inner and outer enemies ensconced in media, government, and educational institutions. So I don't know if there is hope for the US unless the coming economic collapse forces a complete breakdown. There is so much propaganda and so many lies being perpetuated by the media...thank you!

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Thank you indeed. You are one of the few astrologers who are prepared to face and analyse substantive issues rather than just relapse into New Age nonsense.

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Thank you. Bless you!

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💚🪬🌙 TY

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Where have you written about the coming economic collapse with the Rahu mahadasha, please?

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I did not write about that per se with my Rahu mahadasha article but did write about this dasha several years ago here: https://astralharmony.com/blog/rahu-mahadasa-and-united-states-kelleher-chart/ and I did discuss my concerns about the economy most recently in my Pluto Return article: https://astralharmony.substack.com/p/the-united-states-pluto-return ...and I shared on my Twitter page just something today from Dylan LeClair about the next two years, as seen through another lens (not astrology but what he shared aligns with what I see as being a possible scenario with the US Pluto Return): There have only been two other times before in the history of financial markets that bonds and stocks have drawn down in tandem at the same level that they did this past year in 2022 (20% or so). These years were 1931 and 1969. Within two years after those years, the US in effect defaulted on its debt (though they did not call it "defaulting" per se). The first was when FDR confiscated everybody’s gold in 1933 (bailing out the Fed) which further devalued the USD and contributed to the Great Depression even more, and the next one in 1971 was called the Nixon Shock, a series of economic measures undertaken in response to increasing inflation, the most significant of which were wage and price freezes, surcharges on imports, and the unilateral cancellation of the direct international convertibility of the United States dollar to gold. This led to a bad recession. The Nixon Shock unilaterally canceled the direct convertibility of the United States dollar to gold. Since then, a system of national fiat monies has been used globally, with variable exchange rates between the major currencies. Many in the Bitcoin space are saying there will be a debt jubilee like this in the next few years, and perhaps all this massive debt the Fed is creating will be tied up in a CBDC and connected to the global banking cabal and a social credit system and the surveillance state, which is a very troubling concern. Personally, I believe Bitcoin (not "crypto") may be the only option for sovereign citizens when that happens.

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