Like so many of us, I deeply appreciate the care and time you take to share your advanced knowledge via vedic astrology with us. It helps me navigate and helps to have verification and deeper understanding of what the Planets, Devas, Devis and Divine are aligning us with for our transformation. I would like to contribute from time to time without committing to a regular donations schedule. Would it be possible to include a single time option button for us to do that?
Thanks for your kind feedback. I am happy you enjoy my work, and I appreciate your support.
Substack will not let me add a "Buy Me A Coffee" button on my page, but I can try adding a custom "Buy Me a Coffee" button on my articles in the future.
Hi Juliana, Thanks for your response! It worked! Happy to have that option. BTW, my husband David studied with you quite a few years ago. He's not one much for marketing, but he has a modest following for whom he enjoys doing charts occasionally. Vedic astrology is certainly still a passion for him, along with playing tablas! Thank you again! Stay well & in Light, Koriander
Like so many of us, I deeply appreciate the care and time you take to share your advanced knowledge via vedic astrology with us. It helps me navigate and helps to have verification and deeper understanding of what the Planets, Devas, Devis and Divine are aligning us with for our transformation. I would like to contribute from time to time without committing to a regular donations schedule. Would it be possible to include a single time option button for us to do that?
Hi Koriander,
Thanks for your kind feedback. I am happy you enjoy my work, and I appreciate your support.
Substack will not let me add a "Buy Me A Coffee" button on my page, but I can try adding a custom "Buy Me a Coffee" button on my articles in the future.
For now, you can click on the "Buy Me a Coffee" button on my website here:
And it will take you here:
So you can use either link.
I also have a PayPal account at and a Venmo at Juliana-Swanson with the green Ganesh.
Thank you!
Hi Juliana, Thanks for your response! It worked! Happy to have that option. BTW, my husband David studied with you quite a few years ago. He's not one much for marketing, but he has a modest following for whom he enjoys doing charts occasionally. Vedic astrology is certainly still a passion for him, along with playing tablas! Thank you again! Stay well & in Light, Koriander
Hi Koriander, OK great! Thanks, and please give my best to David (he used to go by Risi).
Yes! He still goes by Risi. I've sent your kind regards to him. :)
Thank you so much for providing the calendars. They are very helpful.
So glad you are benefiting from the calendars. Bless you, dear Trish, with love and gratitude.