I love the anecdotal story, when you were an RN in the 70s, about your harrowing experience live and working through the Great Lakes area blizzard!

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I thought I could stay home and be snowed in and cozy by the fire but no such luck!

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Always scholarly, always lovely, thank you!!

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Thanks so much, dearest Salem. xoxo

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Wonderful as always! #FarrahNaykaAshline

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Thank you! I 💕🙏

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You're so on target & gifted - Mars in Cancer Ascendant here, Gemini Sun, don't ask artist activist healer so grateful for YOU. At least now I know why my legs and eye imbalances are happenning

( and more!) I thought they had odd roots, kind of "knew" they did. Did I say I'm out-of-bounds Mars btw? OMG. Been intuiting this all in my networks w layperson knowledge of Pluto's 248 year orbit and the USA. Sheesh. Look forward to an eventual one on one reading with you! Do you do astrocartography btw? ( sp?) Many many blessings, much gratitude!

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Thank you Candace for your kind feedback. I do Astrolocality but only for clients I have already done Astral Tune-up readings for already. It includes Astrocartography, JyotishLocality, and I also use relocated charts, paran lines and local space astrology. I am a holistic astrologer and location questions are very complex, well beyond the “fast-food approach” of the Astrocartography system. If someone wants an Astrolocality reading then they first need to have an Astral Tune-up reading and we can go from there. If it is just a brief relocation question, I sometimes include it in the Astral Tune-up reading. 💕🙏

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Makes sense. I like it! Thank you for the in depth answers. (On my to do list! In sequence! ) I'm juggling beaucoup (in various directions.) More asap. Good weekend wishes to you Juliana!!! Keep up the great work!

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Thank you for sharing your words with us all!

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You are welcome, and thanks, dear Yona, for your kind feedback.

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