What a fascinating list of Kumbha Shanis!

From evil scoundrels to genius uplift-ers of humanity. I learned a lot!

/\ Shani dev I bow to thee /\

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Beautifully explained. Thanks.

Would like to add that this is the time when we all can tremendously benefit from Saturn's transit by practising austerity and discipline in our lives. Practically, it is difficult but 'as much as we can' would be good enough. Aquarius is also the 11th house in the natural horoscope of the Kalapurush. If we can be a bit austere and a bit disciplined, we can expect gains in almost all areas of life especially in spiritual advancement 🙏🏼

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Very well put, thanks. Self-responsibility (including self-discipline and will-power) is the key, as Shani in Khumba aspects the Mars-ruled and the Sun-ruled rashis!

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Wow, this is so thoughtfully organized and presented. A real treat to read and reflect on. Thanks for doing this work, Saraswati. I am learning so much. And glad that Saturn in Capricorn is about over.

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Excellent article. In addition to the Saturn in sidereal Capricorn we also had the many conjunctions between Saturn and Pluto and then Mars Jupiter Pluto around March 20, 2020 or so signaling a sort of mass Coup d'etat around the world. Jupiter Pluto billionaires taking over (mars). Saturn Pluto is also the symbol; of coup d'etats. In a sense, with so many planets involved in January through March 2020 and beyond, it was a global coup d'etat of dictatorial restrictions and tyranny. Manipulation (Pluto) of Governments (Saturn). Large global corporations (Jupiter Pluto becoming one with government (Saturn) and on and on. This was a great article. I especially liked all the Saturn in Sidereal Aquarius folks you outlined and more. Pluto I believe will be in Sidereal Capricorn till around 2040 or so and could mean more governmental manipulation by corporate Plutonic entities but at least the Pluto Saturn conjunction and all the other related conjunctions are for the most part over. This is one of the best astrological sites I have seen. (I have studied sidereal (vedic) astrology in Nepal and tropical (western) astrology in the US and Europe for 52 years and much appreciate such a well-written article. astrology

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Thanks for your kind comments, Jennifer. This means a lot especially based on your credentials as a seasoned astrologer. Yes I agree with you and wrote many articles about all you have mentioned, and one of the reasons Saturn was so difficult in Capricorn was that it conjoined Pluto around the Capricorn ingress. One of the articles in which I predicted all these restrictions and tyranny was written in 2019: https://astralharmony.com/blog/wp-admin/post.php?post=4355&action=edit /something I discovered is that the Bitcoin White Paper chart was born on the same day (October 31) as the 99 Theses which I wrote about in this article so clearly much of the New World Order I prognosticated is related to the rise of Bitcoin as a saving grace for the world. Pluto Return for the US chart is moving into place now, and will get very strong in 2023 and will be exact three times in 2024, so we are headed to a big standoff against the Plutocrats for sure. Perhaps the Pluto battle will be fought between Bitcoin, the money of the people, versus a CBDC that will be created by the globalist's central banking authority. Interesting times indeed. Bless you very much.

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