Part One: Mars Transit in Taurus, August 10, 2022 to March 12, 2023
Worldwide Effects of this Transit
Please note that this and all my other forecasts are based on the sidereal zodiac used in Vedic and western sidereal astrology, not the tropical system used by most western astrologers.
Mars will transit in sidereal Taurus from August 10, 2022 until March 12, 2023, with a brief transit out of Taurus and into Gemini from October 15 to November 13. The average mean daily motion of Mars is around 30 zodiacal minutes (a half degree). At its fastest, it moves at about 47 minutes a day. This means that Mars normally spends about one-and-a-half to two months in a sign transit.
However, this year, Mars will transit in Taurus for a much longer period than normal, as it will retrograde from October 30, 2022 to January 13, 2023. When a planet retrogrades and spends a longer time than usual in one sign, it brings a significant influence on the astrological sign and house where the planet is transiting.
Mars retrogrades for about 60 to 80 days every few years. (All these are just rough estimates as these transiting cycles are not consistent). The last Mars retrograde cycle was in Aries, from September 10 to November 14, 2020. The time before that, Mars was retrograde in Capricorn, from June 27 to August 28, 2018.
Here are the details of the Mars in Taurus (and Gemini) cycles ahead:
Mars Taurus Ingress on August 10, 2022
Mars Gemini Ingress October 15, 2022
Mars Stationary Retrograde on October 30, 2022
Mars Retrogrades Back into Taurus November 13, 2022
Mars Stationary Direct in Taurus on January 12, 2023
Mars Gemini Ingress on March 12, 2023
Here below are some of the astrological charts for these astrological events, set for Washington, DC:
This Mars transit will have an impact on the world at large, affecting politics, warfare, the economy, and other worldwide events. It will also impact us on a personal level. In Part One, I discuss the transit's potential impact on the world. In Part Two, I describe the more personal aspects of this upcoming planetary event.
The Worldwide Effects of the Transit
According to mundane astrology, Mars has some unique challenges when it transits in Taurus. Specifically, this transit can represent losses on the stock exchange, financial panics, bank failures, and depletion of the resources of the nation due in part to military spending and involvement in wars. Wasteful government spending of public funds in other areas, particularly in government administrative offices, may also come into focus. This transit can also represent a fracturing of global energy systems; food and fuel shortages; supply chain disruptions; a labor crisis; and all kinds of problems within the food, agricultural, and auto industries.
Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri) is the main marker star (yoga tara) in Rohini nakshatra within the Taurus constellation. This reddish giant star lies at 15 degrees 55 minutes of zodiacal longitude. Mars will conjoin Aldebaran (within a one-degree orb of longitude) from September 5-9, 2022; and again, from January 25 to February 4, 2023. The Mars conjunction with Aldebaran can have favorable consequences in scientific, financial, technological, and business matters, but has also been associated with danger, violence, and collective mental and physical illness; political and financial crises; and natural or man-made disasters.
By IAU and Sky & Telescope magazine (Roger Sinnott & Rick Fienberg) - [1], CC BY 3.0,
Certainly, in previous periods in history when Mars went through an extended Taurus/Aldebaran transit (with a retrograde cycle), predominant themes were war and political conflict. Some examples of previous extended Mars in Taurus periods are:
1706-1707: The War of the Spanish Succession.
1785-1786: The Northwest Indian War.
1850-1851: Political conflict over slavery brewing in America.
1864-1865: The Civil War was raging but nearing its conclusion.
1911-1912: The Chinese Revolution and the Libyan War.
1943-1944: World War II.
1990-1991: The Gulf War and other conflicts in Africa and Europe.
There has been a question as to whether Mars’ journey through Rohini nakshatra (in Taurus) will form the classic transit known as Rohini Sakata Bheda (or Vedha), which is mentioned in Indian literature. This occurs when malefic planets transit in Rohini nakshatra, which foretells disaster and famine. Renowned 6th century Vedic astrologer Varahamihira wrote in Brihat Samhita (Ch. XLVII), “If Saturn, Mars, or a comet cuts the wain of Rohini [splits the ox cart which is one of the symbols of Rohini], what shall I say, alas! For, the whole world will perish, being plunged in the ocean of misery.”
However, Mars will not be in the correct latitude to create Rohini Sakata Bheda. This is because it would need to be transiting closer to -2 degrees (south) latitude or even further south than that, according to sources I have investigated. The reason is that Rohini nakshatra occupies an area spanning from -2 degrees and 36 minutes to -5 degrees and 45 minutes (south latitude/below the ecliptic).
In the chart for 911 (9/11/2001), Saturn was transiting in Rohini nakshatra and very close to -2 degrees south latitude (-1 degree 47 minutes), and this event apparently fit the criteria for Rohini Sakata Bheda. During the upcoming transit, Mars will only be at about 1 degree south in September, and will move northward from that point on, up to 2+ degrees (north latitude) in February 2023. As a result, I don’t think the 2022-23 transit of Mars in Taurus/Rohini does fit the criteria, as Mars’ latitude will be closer to -1 degree than -2 degrees.
When Mars enters Taurus and the sixth house of the US Kelleher chart around August 10, it does not bode well for the nation due to its affliction in square to Saturn at the time of the ingress. In mundane astrology, this is said to represent disastrous conditions within the government, political pandemonium, and warlike conditions internally and internationally; possibly riots or protests; issues with debt and the workforce; or mass tragedies. These potential matters may become more heated as Mars transits in conjunction with natal Uranus in the US Kelleher chart in the second week of September, and again in December, January, and February.
When Mars transits retrograde, it can bring reversals or upsets in the area where Mars is transiting in a horoscope. Astrologers analyze this factor in natal charts as well as mundane charts for nations, cities, states, corporations, and other types of entities. For instance, in the US Kelleher horoscope, Mars will transit retrograde in two areas: in conjunction with natal Mars in Gemini in the seventh house, and in Taurus in the sixth house. Here are the US Kelleher charts:
As Mars retrogrades in Gemini in the seventh house of the US Kelleher chart, it will return to its natal place on three occasions. Each one of these is known as a Mars Return. Normally, an entity or individual will have just one Mars Return every few years, but because of the retrograde period, it will happen three times for the US chart. In the charts below, you can see that Mars occupies the zero degree of Gemini in the US natal horoscope. This lies at the beginning of the first drekkana (decan/ten-degree portion) of Gemini, which points to the nation’s propensity for getting involved in conflicts with its foreign allies and adversaries.
The three Mars Returns in Gemini will occur on October 19, 2022, November 9, 2022, and on March 14, 2023. The first one highlights national and international disputes already in play, as for instance, Machiavellian political plots and discord within the government; recent conflict with China; or the direct military involvement of the US in the Russia-Ukraine War.
These Mars Returns could also suggest cyber-warfare, attacks on infrastructure, riots, and internal political interference as well as foreign interference in upcoming US elections. The second return indicates a slowing down and review of any of the aforementioned. And, the third usually represents a resolution and new direction.
When Mars retrogrades in Taurus in the sixth house of the US Kelleher chart, this can bring setbacks or a recurrence of events related to public health, a debt crisis, workforce issues, military matters, political turmoil, and a revisiting of any other events set into motion at the time of the ingress in the second week of August.
Mars will retrograde at the beginning part of Gemini on October 30, and will remain in that area “on edge” for about two weeks, until November 13 when it will retrograde back into 29+ degrees of Taurus. It will then proceed back to about 14 degrees Taurus during its retrograde cycle. The location where these degrees fall by sign and house position along with any aspects involved will be the area of focus in any astrological chart.
During the first few weeks of its retrograde cycle, Mars will be moving very slowly and bearing down on the sensitive edge (sandhi) between Taurus and Gemini. This position can signify intense and shocking meltdowns, debacles, and reversals in any of the following arenas: politics; stock markets; border issues; air and rail transport; auto industry; trade and commerce; educational institutions; and media, journalism, communication systems, and information exchange.
In addition to impacting world events, Mars transits also affect our individual moods, energy levels, and overall well-being. In Part Two of this series, I analyze the transit from a personal perspective.
O’ Mighty Mars, with loving reverence I bow before you!
You glow with fiery red passion,
And you are the epitome of courage and dynamism.
You actively benefit all beings,
Homage to you, Lord Mangala!
Thank you for explaining these technical aspects in a way that I can understand.
was wondering about Rohini, so this cleared that up ...thank you so much for the technical info... appreciate YOU xxx
PS where is the donate button my coffee shout !