Part Two: Mars Transit in Taurus, August 10, 2022 to March 12, 2023
Analyzing the Transit from a Personal Perspective
Please note that this and all my other forecasts are based on the sidereal zodiac used in Vedic and western sidereal astrology, not the tropical system used by most western astrologers.
Continued from Part One, Mars Transit in Taurus: In addition to impacting world events, Mars transits also affect our individual moods, energy levels, and overall well-being. From August 10 to March 12, Mars will spend most of the time transiting in Taurus. It will transit in Gemini for less than a month, from October 15 to November 13, 2022. The bulk of its retrograde cycle will be in Taurus, as well (October 30, 2022, to January 12, 2023).
Mars in Taurus brings a focus on practical matters. With this, we may be fighting for some semblance of security and stability, but may also feel held back by material obstacles and/or our own inner limitations.
At the first Mars ingress into Taurus on August 10, Saturn and Mars will be in a 90-degree square aspect (marked in the chart above with a black line). This is in orb from around August 4-11. As this aspect occurs at the beginning of the Mars transit in Taurus, it sets the stage for the next seven months. It may immediately indicate certain issues we will need to address and work out during the entire Mars in Taurus cycle. What could be indicated?
For some, frustration over material affairs may lead to overheated conditions. Things will probably work out better if we stay steady and strengthen our foundations before trying to forge ahead without careful consideration and planning. The late astrologer Isabel Hickey perfectly described the Mars square Saturn aspect in her classic 1970 book titled Astrology: A Cosmic Science (p 227): “The engine and brakes need equalizing. Mars says ‘go’ and Saturn says ‘wait.’…Impatience and hidden resentment must be overcome…Tendency to criticism and passing judgment must be changed to lovingness and compassion.”
On a more positive note, Mars will trine Pluto at its first ingress on August 10. This position can also help us overcome our weaknesses, revitalize ourselves, and renew our lives through sheer will power, clear intentions, and productive actions.
Mars signifies our efforts to find security in a world that is often fraught with danger, upheaval, and loss. Its manifestations in transit can be “good” and/or “bad” depending on its placement and aspects it makes in a horoscope. When it retrogrades, Mars often indicates imbalanced energy flow; i.e., the normal flow of our initiative may be disrupted. Mars correlates with the third solar plexus energy center known as the manipura chakra, which translates as the “city of jewels.” It's the seat of fire, vitality, action, and self-worth. The manipura represents our will to move forward, overcome weaknesses and problems, and fulfill our personal desires in the world.
Yet, during the retrograde transit of Mars (October 30, 2022 to January 12, 2023), our fire energy may feel turned inward and blocked at times, manifesting as irritability, frustration, stagnation, or impatience.
Mars retrograde cycles are an appropriate time to work on confronting obstacles. However, external matters may not be easy at times, and the Universe may give us plenty of opportunities to meet and resolve our challenges. This cycle can teach us to have trust and patience. We should also pause, reflect, and listen so that we know the best time to wait, and the best time to act. All this wisdom comes as we stand in our power unconditionally, which is the essence of a strong and favorable Mars.
To discover the area of life we should try to improve and reinforce during a Mars retrograde cycle, we study the house position of transiting Mars and the aspects it makes to any of the natal and transiting planets. For instance, if it is in the first house (for Taurus ascendants), or if it closely aspects the ruler of the first house, this period may be ripe for activities and intentions that boost confidence and enhance self-image.
With Mars in the natal seventh house for Scorpios, or if Mars aspects the ruler of the seventh house, this period may be suitable for bolstering relationships by creating positive interactions; and so on it goes for all the astrological houses and house lords. This would be an area of focus that a professional astrologer (like me) could help you understand, if you want more specific information. If you have need, feel free to order a consultation from me on my website order page.
O’ Mighty Mars, with loving reverence I bow before you!
You glow with fiery red passion,
And you are the epitome of courage and dynamism.
You actively benefit all beings,
Homage to you, Lord Mangala!