November 2024 Vedic Astrology Forecast
A super rare New Moon, Venus under extreme pressure, and more!
Hi, I'm Juliana, a full-time Vedic astrologer. Subscribe for free to receive my monthly astrology forecasts and calendars. Upgrade to a paid subscription to receive all of my articles, including personalized astrology guides, my Pluto return video presentation, and more!
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I hope that you've been having a peaceful autumn so far (or spring in the southern hemisphere!). As we move deeper into this season, the cosmos will be going through some very dramatic changes. We will see Venus under some extreme pressure from November 5 to 7, when the planet of peace and civility transits through one of the most sensitive and transformational sections of the zodiac. A super-powerful Full Moon will occur on November 15, followed by an extremely rare New Moon at the end of the month.
Let's dive into my November 2024 astrology update:
November 1: Diwali New Moon - A Time to Celebrate the Divine Light
The Diwali New Moon is one of the darkest days of the year according to Vedic astrology. This is based on the fact that a New Moon is always “empty” (hidden by the Sun). Additionally, this particular New Moon is conjoined/covered by the weak debilitated Sun. And in the northern hemisphere, the power of the Sun is further diminished due to its waning southward journey.
Because the light of the outer world (Sun) reflected by the Moon is dim, the season of Diwali is an especially opportune time to tune in and connect with the divine light!
November 3: Mars and Pluto Opposition - Potential for Change and Unrest
Mars in Cancer will be in exact opposition to Pluto in Capricorn on November 3. I mentioned this transit in my previous October forecast, but it’s so important that I must mention it again. Using an effective two-degree orb, Mars and Pluto have been in opposition since October 28, and will remain so until November 9.
These two planets aspect each other in this way every two years but not always in the same area of the zodiac. This time is much more significant than usual. This event will be especially important because Pluto will be in conjunction with natal Pluto in the United States birth chart (so Mars will oppose both transiting and natal Pluto).
This combination of Mars in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn can have a violent, warlike, or ruthless expression. This aspect between Mars and Pluto occurred in the same sign axis in the 1700s during the American Revolutionary War and the French Revolution. Before that, this combination occurred during the Protestant Reformation in the 1500s. This pattern shows us that this aspect can sometimes be connected with upheaval and revolt.
November 5 to 7: Venus Will Transit in the Scorpio-Sagittarius Gandanta - Literal and Metaphoric Storms and a Significant Turning Point
From November 5 to 7, Venus will transit through the transformational cusp between Scorpio and Sagittarius. This edge between a water and a fire sign is known as a gandanta in Vedic astrology. A gandanta represents a karmic knot of intensity that can catalyze radical change. The gandanta between the Scorpion’s tail and the Galactic Center is the most intense of all gandantas. This is where the forces of duality generate their most extreme expression, and where the Light has to fight its greatest battle with the dark.
Venus is the Diplomat, the planet of peace, harmony, and civility. It represents the social order. But in this particular edge between Scorpio and Sagittarius, the positive Venusian qualities can become torn by the polarizing fray. The energy of the gandanta can feel like being “at the end of one's rope,” which is why it suggests a significant turning point.
Venus rules the water element. When it is moving in zodiacal danger zones like this, there may be some major storms, literal or metaphoric. It's a good idea to be extra mindful during this time of potential emotional upheaval and unrest.
November 6 to December 2: Venus Will Transit in Sagittarius - An Energetic Shift
Venus will transit into Sagittarius on November 6 at 5:01 PM EST (10:01 PM UTC). It will remain in Sagittarius until December 2. Once Venus passes the gandanta on November 7, some of us may start to feel an energetic shift. Venus in Sagittarius is generally warm-hearted, daring, philosophical, optimistic, and joyful.
When Venus is in Sagittarius, it form a Parivartana Yoga with Jupiter in Taurus, also known as mutual reception or exchange. This occurs when two planets exchange signs. Here, Jupiter is in the sign of Venus, and Venus is in the sign of Jupiter. This is often said to increase the strength of these planets and to enhance spiritual growth, creativity, and wisdom.
However, in this particular case, Jupiter and Venus will also form an aspect known as shasta-ashtakam or 6/8, or quincunx in Western astrology. This occurs when two planets are six and eight houses apart from each other. The quincunx is a challenging aspect that requires an adjustment.
This aspect between Venus and Jupiter will reveal conflicting traits. In its less auspicious expression, it can suggest financial hardships, mental and emotional breakdowns, physical illnesses, relationship conflicts, risky behavior, or accidents. In its higher expression, this aspect can suggest a financial windfall or a journey of inner growth.
The secret to making the most of this aspect is to cultivate a peaceful attitude and to make wise and healthy choices in order to maintain balance, order, and harmony. Otherwise, there could be a tendency to lose your equilibrium. Previously during similar Venus-Jupiter exchanges (in 1976, 1989, 2000 and 2013), the world experienced major earthquakes, airline incidents and disasters, rail accidents, and political upheaval.
November 7 to 25: Mercury’s Pre-Retrograde Shadow - A Prelude of What’s To Come
From November 7 to 25, Mercury will transit in its pre-retrograde shadow period. During this time, you should pay attention to issues or concerns that are appearing in your life. Any such matters may point to the important themes that will be playing out during your upcoming Mercury retrograde cycle.
November 9: Venus and Neptune Square - Emotional Sensitivity and Tensions
Venus and Neptune will form an exact square on November 9. This aspect will be within an effective orb of influence from November 7 to 10. A square is a 90-degree aspect which generally represents tension, stress, or struggle. The square between Venus and Neptune can heighten emotional sensitivities and indicate misunderstandings, deception, confusion, disappointment, and heartache. The square aspect also forms what is known as a 4/10 in Vedic astrology, which may point to a national security concern.
November 12: Mercury Will Square Saturn - Pessimism and Worry
On November 12, Mercury will square Saturn. This aspect will be within a close orb of influence from November 10-14. This can trigger excessive worry and pessimism. In addition, some may experience issues related to written communications and contracts. This aspect can also activate rigid thinking, fear, and negative attachments, as well as arguments with family members or friends. Now might be a good time to challenge any outworn assumptions that are holding you back.
November 14: Venus Will Be Under Pressure From the Lunar Nodes and Mars - A Turning Point and New Path Ahead
On November 14, Venus will form a t-square with the lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu. This occurs as the lunar nodes oppose each other and both square Venus. At the same time, Venus will also form a 6/8 (shasta-ashtakam) or quincunx with Mars. These aspects will be within an effective orb of influence for several days before and afterward, as well.
The t-square between Venus and the lunar nodes suggests the likelihood of a turning point. This along with the 6/8 between Mars and Venus can indicate a personal or professional challenge that requires an adjustment leading to a new path ahead.
November 15: Full Moon in Aries and Kartik Purnima - A Time of Tremendous Spiritual Power, Transformation, Worship, and Celebration
On November 15 at 4:28 PM EST (9:28 PM UTC), the Full Moon will occur at 29 degrees of Aries in the fiery Krittika nakshatra (Sagittarius navamsa). The 29th degree of Aries reflects tremendous will power, strength, and stamina. It is also associated with militaristic events, major endings and new beginnings, as well as a sense of adventure.
The Full Moon will conjoin Uranus and the fixed star Capulus. With Uranus, the Moon can suggest excessive emotional excitability, bizarre behavior and events, and big surprises. Capulus, the M34 spiral star cluster, is represented as the sword hand of Perseus, the great warrior who cut off the head of Medusa. The conjunction of Capulus with the Full Moon can indicate high ambition but also aggressive, temperamental, self-destructive, and foolhardy behavior.
Kartik Purnima is an annual Vedic holy day celebrated around the November Full Moon in November every year. It will be observed throughout the world on November 15 this year. Kartik Purnima is also known as Tripurasura Purnima because it commemorates the victory of Lord Shiva over the demon Tripurasura. The Jain tradition celebrates this day as a festival of light. In the Hindu tradition, Kartik Purnima celebrates the birth of Kartikeya, Lord Shiva’s son who symbolizes the victory of good over evil.
November 15 to December 15: The Sun Will Transit in Scorpio - Bringing a Focus on Self-Empowerment
The Sun will transit into Scorpio on November 15 at 9:02 PM EST (November 16 at 2:02 AM UTC). The Sun will remain in Scorpio until December 15. The entry day of the Sun into Scorpio is a sacred day in the Vedic calendar known as Vrishchika Sankranti.
For anyone who may have felt exhausted, irritated, or off-balance during the previous month’s solar transit in Libra (the sign of the Sun’s debility), this shift into Scorpio may bring some relief, as in a greater sense of strength, self-empowerment, and vitality.
That said, the Sun will oppose Uranus on November 16, and this aspect will be within an effective orb of influence from November 14 to 18. During these days, we could experience nervous energy, disruptions in relationships, or erratic behavior from an authority figure.
November 15: Saturn Will Station Direct - The Lord of Karma is Ready to Move On!
Saturn has been retrograde since June 29. On November 15 at 9:21 PM EST (November 16 at 2:21 PM UTC), Saturn will station direct at eighteen-and-a-half degrees of Aquarius. This means that, from our perspective on Earth, Saturn will appear to slow down and stop before changing direction.
Things can feel wobbly and intense for up to ten days before and after a retrograde or direct station of Saturn. This may be even truer for those with natal planets or chart points in close aspect to transiting Saturn. Significant world events typically occur around the retrograde or direct stations of Saturn. During this time, we should cultivate peace, maintain equipoise, go with the flow, minimize risk, and be prepared for change.
Because Saturn is the Lord of Karma, certain aspects of your life may also start to ease up and move forward as Saturn starts gaining forward momentum. You may come to realize and appreciate what has been achieved during Saturn's more internalized and subjective retrograde phase since last June. You may also start to feel a lightening of your mood.
November 18: Mercury in Opposition with Jupiter - A Shift in Focus and Vision Leading to Changes in Future Plans
On November 18, Mercury in Scorpio and Jupiter in Taurus will form an exact opposition (180-degrees apart from each other). This aspect will be within an effective orb of influence from November 16 to 20.
In its lower manifestation, this aspect can activate fraudulent attacks, rash and foolish actions, arguments, strife and contention, and violence. In its higher manifestation, this opposition may bring a shift in focus and vision leading to changes in future plans.
The energy of this opposition will be important for the rest of the year because Mercury will retrograde and oppose Jupiter two more times (on December 4 and December 26). As Mercury and Jupiter continue to oppose each other, you might be prompted to gradually reassess certain aspects of your life.
November 25 to December 15: Mercury Will Retrograde in Scorpio - Possible Storms, Travel Issues, and Communication Issues
Mercury has been transiting in Scorpio since October 29, 2024. This planet will remain in Scorpio until January 4, 2025. During this period, Mercury will retrograde from November 25 until December 15, moving from 28 and-a-half degrees back to 12 degrees of Scorpio.
According to Vedic astrology, when Mercury stations retrograde in the tail of the Scorpion, it can be associated with grief and troubles. We may see financial market volatility, communication breakdowns, transportation accidents, and political or societal unrest. This cycle may also be linked to major geopolitical changes and reversals—some positive, and perhaps some less so.
How this Mercury retrograde transit will specifically affect you will depend on the astrological cycles you are in, as well as the house occupied by Scorpio, and the houses ruled by Mercury in your birth chart. It can actually be a very lucky transit for some charts.
The last time that Mercury stationed retrograde very close to this same area of the zodiac was on November 28, 1991. You may look back to what was happening in your life during that time to get an idea of how this transit might unfold for you again. I wrote a sign-by-sign guide to this transit for my paid subscribers, which you can access at the link below:
November 27 to December 1: Balsamic Moon Phase - A Time for Rest and Reflection
The waning "Balsamic" Crescent Moon phase will begin on November 27 when the Moon is transiting within 45 longitudinal degrees behind the Sun. This phase will lead up to the New Moon of December 1. The Balsamic Moon phase is a time to rest, reflect, let go, and clear out the old. You should gather wisdom and support from within during this time, in preparation for the new lunar cycle ahead.
November 30/December 1: New Moon in Scorpio - A Very Rare and Intense New Moon
The New Moon will occur on November 30 in western parts of North America (Hawaii, Alaska, and the western states in the United States and Canada in the Pacific and Mountain Time zones). Otherwise, it will occur on December 1 at 1:21 AM EST/6:21 AM UTC.
When two New Moons occur in one calendar month, the second New Moon is called a Black Moon. This is a rare event that happens about once every 29 months. This Black Moon will provide us with a great deal of transformative energy.
The New Moon will occur in Scorpio, which may stir up some angry, irritated, heavy, dark, depressing, or simply introspective feelings for some, especially in the days leading up to it.
The New Moon will occur at 15 degrees and 20 minutes of Scorpio which within a degree of conjunction with the fixed star Antares. This star acts like the warrior planet Mars, and is located in the Heart of the Scorpion which is ruled by Mars.
The New Moon occurring in conjunction with Antares is quite a rare event. It could suggest the potential for rash behavior, anxiety, or violent events in the world. This conjunction can also point to relentless drive and determination, which can be used in service to both higher and lower forces.
In its higher expression, Antares is the abode of Archangel Uriel, who is the regent of the Sun and represents divine light and wisdom. During this New Moon, we can call upon Uriel for enlightenment, strength, compassion, harmony, and peace.
A Dramatic Month Ahead!
As my forecast shows, November will be full of challenging celestial energy. This unstable cosmic period could cause people to experience anxiety, relationship issues, and practical difficulties. On a broader level, there may be political struggles and economic turmoil around the world. Fortunately, the conditions may improve as we move through the month. In particular, Saturn going direct and the spiritual power of the Black Moon may bring us some protection and relief.
If world events and unstable celestial energy are making you feel apprehensive, remember to be kind to yourself. If you feel overwhelmed, you may want to take a break from your problems and do something that brings you joy. At this time of year, it helps me to spend time outside appreciating the beauty of the season. Lighting candles, making a fall recipe, or going on a brisk walk can also be good ways to appreciate autumn.
I hope that everyone has a peaceful and happy November!
As always...Excellent information...I am grateful for your writings:)
Wonderful insights!