Wow! You really outdid yourself with this research. Thank you for educating and enlightening us to another mystery of the cosmos!

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Excellent...Many thanks, my Dear Juliana:)

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Thank you, dearest Tera!

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Soooo good. Thank you for your incredible research and insights!!

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Dearest Juliana-ji -

Thank you so much for this excellent article - full of useful information and fascinating history.

Very much appreciated!

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Thank Juliana

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I appreciate the learning. Thank you for such great detail. The timing, as in it arriving during an eclipse season is some food for thought too. Do you know of any signs or planets it may aspect at key points in its transit? I'd love to print a chart to better consider its impact and message.

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Comet tracker-https://starwalk.space/en/news/pons-brooks-comet-2024?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADjti5ZgUnennUN0N2U7Uu_nvAqW_&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIlqKyvKGrhQMV9watBh2RfAthEAAYASAAEgK4S_D_BwE

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Thanks for your kind comment. As mentioned, the comet will be moving through Pisces. Many planets are transiting there during this time, including the eclipse in Pisces. I don’t usually try to pinpoint the planets in alignment with the comet. I think what I have shared is enough information to get a good idea of its impact, but if you learn anything else in your research, please let us know!

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What's the location of the comet astrologically?

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The article discusses this. Also check out the Sky Tonight app which is tracking it: https://apps.apple.com/app/id1570594940

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