The Sun's Capricorn Ingress Chart Shows a Potentially Challenging Year Ahead
Why the United States may experience high inflation, political scandals, a housing bubble, and other problems in 2023
Please note that this and all my other forecasts are based on the sidereal zodiac used in both Vedic and Western sidereal astrology, not the tropical system used by most Western and some Vedic astrologers. All the astrological charts below are calculated according to the sidereal zodiac and Lahiri Ayanamsa.
Today I am going to analyze an important Vedic horoscope that depicts the economic, political, and general condition of the United States in 2023. This chart shows a potentially challenging year for the nation. As I will explain in more detail below, the United States may experience high inflation, a housing bubble, political scandals, and natural disasters.
Despite these challenges, Jupiter's somewhat favorable position in this chart suggests that we can use spiritual faith to help us get through any difficulties this year. Ultimately, the United States may make necessary changes in 2023 that strengthen the country.
Understanding the Capricorn Ingress Horoscope for the United States
The primary cardinal ingress of the civil new year is established when the Sun enters sidereal Capricorn in mid-January every year. The reasoning for its importance is twofold. First, the Sun represents the soul of the world. Second, Capricorn is the action-orientated and initiating sign of the Earth element that organizes matter in harmony with the laws of the physical realm.
The Capricorn ingress horoscope is often used in mundane astrology (the astrology of world events) to evaluate what is unfolding in various countries in the new year ahead. It is especially useful for analyzing business affairs and all kinds of important socioeconomic matters.
The Horoscope for the Sun's Entry into Capricorn Predicts a Challenging Year Ahead for the United States
Here below are the Capricorn solar ingress charts created for the United States (Washington, DC):
Neptune's Placement in the United States Chart Predicts Ongoing Inflation
Neptune is exactly conjoined the ascendant, in late Aquarius and fiery Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra. According to Raphael’s Mundane Astrology,
Neptune in the ascendant is an unpleasant influence. It brings much agitation among the people, secret propaganda, socialism, vice, crime, suicides, and the like. It has the effects of turning things upside down, and causing much underhanded and treacherous behavior among the people. If afflicted, it brings fraud and swindling, vice and immorality.
Neptune is the planet of inflation, and its prominence here suggests ongoing economic inflation. Some experts do predict that the 'worst is yet to come' as recession looms. In the United States and across the globe, inflation is occurring at levels not seen for decades, with an upsurge in prices for essentials like transportation, food, utilities, and accommodation.
The Sun and Moon Suggest Further Financial Upheavals and Difficulties
The Sun conjoins Pluto along with Venus and Saturn in the twelfth house. This conjunction could point to a rise in crime; an employment crisis (as with the mass layoffs we are already seeing); disgraces to government officials due to scandals and the ongoing waste of public funds; financial upheaval in the healthcare sector; and the explosive growth of criminal incarceration requiring a need for more penal institutions.
Similarly, the waning Moon in the eighth house of the chart could possibly suggest an economic panic, or simply the usual amount of angst and fear within the mass mind.
The Lunar Nodes, Mars, and Mercury Indicate Possible Trade Deficits, Legal and Judicial Disputes, Travel and Transportation Issues, Migration Crisis, and Natural Disasters
Ketu in the ninth house and Rahu in the third house highlight an unmitigated migration crisis, trade deficits, legal and judicial disputes, and ongoing problems in the travel and transportation industries.
Mars is in the fourth house is in a quincunx (six-eight/shasta-ashtakam) with retrograde Mercury in the eleventh house. This means that Mars is six houses away from Mercury, and Mercury is eight houses from Mars. This is a challenging aspectual relationship in astrology that indicates an imbalance, weakness, or conflict that may lead to a breaking point.
It could possibly suggest a significant year for storms and seismic events; setbacks and challenges within the agriculture and mining industries; and deepening declines in the housing and construction industries. These declines could trigger a housing bubble correction in 2023 or 2024 that further damages the economy.
Jupiter in Pisces Shows How Us How to Overcome These Potential Challenges
Chiron in the second house can reflect economic uncertainty and insecurity, which makes sense due to the nation’s debt crisis. Jupiter in the second house denotes some reduction in income taxes such as we are already seeing with the IRS tax inflation adjustments for tax year 2023. Jupiter here is gnati karaka due to its specific position among the moveable significators (chara karakas) of the Vedic chart. This means it is a significator of troubles. It could thus denote more inflationary money printing by the government, as well as heavy expenditures, and losses on the stock market.
On a more positive note, the second house relates to not only the wealth of the nation, but also to national values. Jupiter in Pisces is spiritually inclined, so this suggests that a faithful, hopeful, and constructive attitude can help us rise above any potential difficulties. Ultimately, I do trust that this means we can each individually (and also perhaps somewhat collectively) overcome any tough times as we develop and strengthen our spiritual faith. As the great Paramahansa Yogananda once said,
Never let life beat you down. Beat life! If you have a strong will you can overcome all difficulties. Affirm, even in the midst of trials: ‘Danger and I were born together, and I am more dangerous than danger!’ This is a truth you should always remember; apply it and you will see that it works. Don’t behave like a cringing mortal being. You are a child of God!
Love the quote! Yogananda is amazing!