The solstice will occur Tuesday, June 21, 2022. The exact moment of the solar standstill will be at 5:14 a.m. EDT, and 9:14 AM UTC. This is the shortest night of the year in the northern hemisphere known as Midsummer Night. In the southern hemisphere, the June solstice marks the beginning of winter. (Please see my previous in-depth article about the solstice).
According to author Ted Andrews, the summer solstice is that point in the year in which the energies of Nature reach their culmination…it is the time in which the Christ energies touch the body, mind, and soul of all living things…this is the time of the year to establish a relationship between our Will and the Christ force within us and upon the Earth, and all those who have aligned with it. It is the time to awaken to spiritual ecstasy. It is the time in which contact with the angelic hierarchy can occur most easily and most intimately. Greater concentration is required, as there is often more outer world activity which can distract, but it is the time when the alignment of the more subtle planes of life with the physical provides greater access…
Magnetically, the physical, etheric, astral, mental, and spiritual planes are drawn into alignment…There is awakening of greater strength to transmute the lower…There increases greater opportunity to work and commune with the Nature Kingdom and those beings that work with humanity through it…There occurs a general expansion of the faculties and intuitive energies. There can arise opportunity to invoke greater energy into our chakra centers and employ them in a more directed manner.
It is the ideal time to renew the mind and attune to the highest realms through a merging of the brow and crown chakras – the male and female forces. This will ultimately awaken the opportunity to become a channel of Light…This season is governed by Archangel Auriel…Sometimes called the ‘Son of the Star’…Auriel brings with the summer season beauty and an awakening of vision. One who opens to the ministrations of Auriel during this season can behold the streams of life that are infusing the entire planet. (The Occult Christ: Angelic Mysteries, Seasonal Rituals, and the Divine Feminine by Ted Andrews; Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, MN, 1993; pp 175-179.)
Archangel Auriel is also known as Uriel or Ouriel, the Angel of Light. The name Uriel means “The Light of God,” or “God is my Light.” Uriel is the Archangel of Wisdom and Transmutation, the radiant “Flame of God” who illuminates the truth, channels prophecies, and offers healing and transformation.
In the modern Essenian esoteric movement, Uriel is regarded as the archangel of summer and the element of fire. According to the teaching of the modern Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Uriel is the archangel of North and of Earth, and is thus associated with the vegetation of the Earth and all the abundance of Earth’s resources.
Archangel Uriel is the great alchemist who transforms misfortune and tribulation on Earth into great advantages…Perhaps it is from the angelic realm of Uriel that we learn that when God closes the door in one area of our lives, He opens a window somewhere else. When we awaken a sense of faith – especially when it seems all is lost – we are enabled to do so by the forces of Uriel. (Edgar Cayce on Angels: Archangels and the Unseen Forces by Robert J. Grant; A.R.E Press, Virginia Beach, 1994; p.103).
This morning a walk with Wodan, our dog along the riverside and so grateful for ALL that lived through me and around me in Light, with such Loving flavour. Much beyond my yielding so present still and that magnificent present of "not knowing" but receiving what to know.... GRATITUDE....
love this prayer and perfecting timing for me! as always, in gratitude for you and all your wisdom ;)