Happily we bask in this warm September sun, which illuminates all creatures. (Henry David Thoreau)
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Who’s ready for fall? The planets are making major moves as summer draws to a close and autumn begins in the northern hemisphere. And for our friends in the southern half of the world, welcome to springtime!
Let’s take a look at what to expect in my September 2024 astrology update:
September 1-2: Balsamic Moon - A Time to Turn Within, Rest, Reflect, and Recuperate
The Balsamic Moon phase will be in place during last two days of August and the first two days of September. This is the Moon’s deeply waning cycle, when the Moon is at least 45 degrees behind the Sun. The Balsamic Moon is the healing “dreamtime” lunar period. It is the time for not-doing, but for simply being, when we should turn within, rest, reflect, and recuperate to make space for the new month ahead which will begin at the New Moon on September 2.
September 1: The Beginning of Meteorological Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere
Change is in the air as meteorological autumn in the northern hemisphere will begin on September 1. This will be meteorological spring in the southern hemisphere. The meteorological seasons are defined by the months according to temperature, the amount of daylight, and weather patterns.
September 1: Uranus Will Station Retrograde - Expect the Unexpected!
Uranus will station retrograde at three degrees of Taurus on September 1. This planet will remain retrograde until January 30, 2025. At that time, Uranus will station direct at 29 degrees of Aries. The sensitive degrees for this transit will span the area from 27 degrees of Aries to five degrees of Taurus.
Uranus represents a higher octave of Mercury, so the retrograde station can actually act a lot like Mercury's. You might experience some of the typical snafus with technology, communication, transportation, or travel. It can also reflect a sense of restlessness and unease.
Some of us, especially those with natal planets or chart points around one to five degrees of sidereal Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius, may have unusual experiences, inner or outer breakthroughs, or could even feel unsteady or anxious in the days around this retrograde station.
Note that you may experience the effects of Uranus' station for up to ten days before and ten days after the actual time of station. I have noticed that around these Uranus stations, we often see big geopolitical turmoil, financial shocks, market turmoil, or meteorological storms as well as terror events, seismic activity, accidents, or explosions.
Uranus symbolizes social consciousness, political tension, anarchy, nihilism, rebellions, and revolutions. As the ruler of electricity and lightning storms, Uranus is called the "bolt out of the blue," often acting in eccentric, erratic, and sudden ways to disrupt various systems. As Uranus transits retrograde, any of its natural significations can become unrestrained, stronger, and more unpredictable than usual.
During its retrograde period, Uranus will retrace the same steps that it took during the past three months. This will give you an opportunity to "go back" and review, and to examine and let go of old ways of seeing and doing things. Unresolved matters of a disturbing nature may resurface, or new information may come forward to help resolve them.
From now until May 2025, Uranus will be transiting back and forth across the fixed stars Algol (2 degrees Taurus) and Capulus (0 degrees Taurus). These malefic stars relate to power struggles, government corruption, political intrigue, sorrows, irrational behavior, violence, tragedies, and disasters. Uranus’s transits across these stars make it even clearer that we should continue to expect the unexpected.
September 2-3: The New Moon in Leo - Time to Get Organized!
The New Moon will occur on Monday, September 2, at 9:56 PM EDT, which will be September 3, at 1:56 AM UTC. Use WorldTimeBuddy.com to convert this to your time zone if it is different.
The New Moon will occur with the Sun and Moon at 17 degrees of Leo in opposition to Saturn. This aspect may leave some of us feeling quite introspective or even melancholy. As the New Moon also occupies the navamsa (ninth harmonic) of hardworking and detail-oriented Virgo, this would be a good time to focus on organizing and planning for the month ahead.
September 2 to 5: Mercury in the Gandanta - Stress, Upheaval, or Breakdowns in Communication, Technology, or Transportation
Retrograde Mercury will transit across the sensitive, emotionally charged, and potentially chaotic Cancer-Leo gandanta (cusp) from September 2 to 5 (which it previously crossed in July and August). The gandanta occupies the area from the 29th degree of a water sign back to the first degree of a fire sign.
Whenever Mercury is sandhi and especially when it is in the gandanta, it can be a trigger for a "disturbance in the force," including the possibility for earthquakes, storms, floods, and accidents. You may also experience various stressors, negative attacks, communication breakdowns, health upsets, and errors in decision-making.
Do note that Mercury is still transiting in its post-retrograde shadow period, which began at Mercury’s direct station on August 28, and will continue until September 11. During this period, you will continue to adjust to the results of certain related events and shifts that occurred during the previous two months.
September 4-23: Mercury in Leo - An Important Time to Stay Centered and Grounded
From September 4 to 23, Mercury will return to Leo where it recently transited in its pre-retrograde and retrograde cycle from July 19 to August 21. In its higher expression, Mercury in Leo can be warm-hearted, dramatic, creative, and confident. Yet, its lower expression can appear in a lack of clarity and focus, stubbornness, hubris, self-centeredness, or impatience.
Although these less favorable qualities may manifest anytime during the Mercury in Leo transit, they might be especially noticeable during the close opposition of Mercury with Saturn. This event will occur from September 15 to 20. This opposition aspect may also specifically trigger a tendency for self-criticism, a sense of being overwhelmed, nervous agitation, back problems, or troubles with relatives. Grounding and centering meditation practices will be super helpful during the entire transit of Mercury in Leo.
September 6-7: Ganesh Chaturthi - A Joyful Celebration
Blessings of Ganesh Chaturthi which will be celebrated today, September 6, in the western half of the world, and tomorrow, September 7, in the eastern. This festival commemorates the birth of Lord Ganesh. It always occurs on the fourth day that follows the New Moon in the Vedic lunar month of Bhadrapada (August-September). Celebrations and pious observances will go on for up to ten days after the first day of the festival (until Pitru Paksha).
Ganesh is known as the patron of Vedic astrology for a variety of reasons. For one, he is called the "Graha Pati," the lord of all the planets. Any of his mantras can be repeated to remove afflictions from any planet. He is called Gana Pati, Lord of the Ganas (Categories), as he oversees all the classifications between the microcosm and macrocosm. According to one legend, Lord Shiva taught astrology to his consort Parvati, and she taught it to her second-born son, Lord Ganesh, who therefore became in charge of astrology.
Lord Ganesh is an aspect of the Divine Power and the inner guardian to our spiritual being. He resides in our root center, the muladhara chakra, and therefore also resides in the roots of the trees and within the forces of gravity on the Earth. When we walk in nature, we can feel our connection to Ganesh in our own energy roots and their connection deep in the Earth. He is closer to us and perhaps more accessible on Earth than any other aspect of God. We literally walk on him and he holds us up! Humble astrologers pray every day to Lord Ganesh in order to invoke his wisdom and guidance.
Happy Birthday, Lord Ganesh! Jai Ganesha! Om Gam Ganapataye Namah!
September 8: Saturn and the Sun in Opposition: Take It Slow and Be Mindful
Saturn and the Sun will form their annual opposition on September 8. This aspect will be within an effective orb for three or so days before and after September 8. When these two face off like this, some of us may experience loss of energy, pessimism, sadness, and low self-confidence. Health issues or accidents may crop up.
Keep in mind that Saturn is the shadow of the Sun, meaning that we might come up against our own shadow issues now. It can be a good time to examine our triggers, explore any intense emotions, acknowledge certain inconvenient truths within ourselves, and take full responsibility for what we are creating in our lives.
The best remedy for this transit is to stay steady with spiritual practices and if possible, to do some deep inner healing. Also, make sure to do aerobic exercise to move the spine, release tension, and enhance circulation to the brain!
September 16: Mars Will Square the Lunar Nodes - Stormy and Stressful
On September 16, Mars will exactly square the lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu, forming a T-square. This is an astrological aspect pattern in a “T” shape. It occurs when two planets are in opposition/180 degrees apart (here the lunar nodes are opposite each other), and a third planet (in this case Mars) forms 90-degree square aspects to them. Mars here is said to be the apex planet.
While the T-square will be exact on September 16, it will be within an effective orb of influence from September 4 to 30. There is a larger and possibly more foreboding impact to this aspect because it will occur during the lunar eclipse of October 17, and because Mars will be transiting in the stormy Ardra nakshatra.
A T-square by itself can indicate strain, confusion, frustration, an impasse, or a challenging decision. This pattern will be occurring in mutable signs with Rahu in Pisces, Ketu in Virgo, and Mars in Gemini, which suggests the potential for menacing, stressful, and conflictual energy, relationship conflicts, and mental challenges. On the world stage, it points to intensifying political propaganda and ideological battles, and economic and civil turmoil.
September 16 to October 16: The Sun in Virgo - Productive and Invigorating
The Sun will transit in Virgo from September 16 to October 16. This can generally be an invigorating time for self-care, health building, and productive work. That said, because Ketu is transiting in Virgo this year (and is causing the eclipses in Virgo), this can modify the energy of the Sun’s transit in Virgo and can indicate, in some cases, health issues or other kinds of uncertainty. Ketu will exactly conjoin the Sun in the last few days of September, which can activate some lovely spiritual energy.
September 17-18: Super Harvest Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
The Super Harvest Full Moon in Pisces will occur on September 17 at 10:34 PM EDT, which will be September 18 at 2:34 AM UTC. The Full Moon will be partially eclipsed exactly at 10:44 PM EDT, which will be September 18 at 2:44 AM UTC. Check out WorldTimeBuddy.com to convert these times to your time zone if it is different.
According to EarthSky.org, “The Full Moon lunar eclipse will be visible in the half of the world that is dark (the Americas, parts of Antarctica, the Western Indian Ocean, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, the Atlantic Ocean, and Eastern Polynesia)…only a small fraction of the moon will enter Earth’s dark umbral shadow. For the most part, the September 17-18, 2024, lunar eclipse will appear as a penumbral eclipse of the Moon. In other words, as the eclipse progresses, you should notice a dark shading on the moon (Earth’s penumbral shadow), followed by the barest of dark bites (Earth’s dark umbral shadow) taken from one edge of the moon.”
I consider a partial lunar eclipse to act as a supercharged Full Moon with an added burst of lunar effect. This type of eclipse is associated with higher than usual tides, storms, seismic events, and emotional intensity. This will also be a Supermoon which further magnifies the lunar effect. A Supermoon occurs when the Full Moon occurs during perigee, when the Moon is nearest to Earth. A few days on either side of a lunar eclipse are considered to be somewhat unsteady. Try not to initiate anything of a worldly matter during these days if you want it to be a lasting success.
The Full Moon will occur at one-and-a half degrees of Pisces, and in conjunction with Neptune. The effects of both Pisces and Neptune can signify creative and spiritual inspiration, but also possibly deception, confusion, and turbulent weather (literal and metaphorical). This conjunction may tend to highlight the ongoing breakdown of many of our societal structures, customs, and foundations, an ongoing effect of Neptune’s transit in Pisces (which I wrote about in a previous article).
The Full Moon will occur in the fiery Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra, which is ruled by a devil-like creature named Aja Ekapat. Purva Bhadrapada spans the last ten degrees of Aquarius and the first three degrees and twenty minutes of Pisces. It is symbolized by a two-faced man and is thus considered to be duplicitous in some cases.
With the eclipse occurring here, we may see more and more of the previously hidden political agendas and conspiracies coming to light now and in the coming months. The eclipsed Moon is being hemmed in by malefics Saturn and Rahu, which creates the effect of a Shrapit Yoga or “cursed combination,” again pointing to the dark and insidious forces at play now, both on and behind the world stage.
On a more positive note, we might have new insights and experience turning points as revealed by the areas of the astrological birth chart where the eclipse occurs. A lunar eclipse with Rahu (like this one) may signal a significant and expansive life change and a new sense of direction.
Keep in mind that the days leading into the Full Moon are a good time for spiritual energy but also they constitute an intense period of "high-tide" emotional energy. With the Super Harvest Full Moon occurring in sidereal Pisces, which falls at the end of the zodiac, it suggests a time of reflection, a turning point, and the change of season.
An eclipse closely conjoining a planet or an angle cusp will cause that planet or point to vibrate at a higher frequency, bringing in new transformative energies. The effect will depend on the natural significations of that planet or point, as well as aspects, yogas, other transits and progressions that are happening. These are the kinds of specific topics that I review with my clients in consultation.
September 17-October 2: Pitru Paksha - Honoring the Ancestors
Pitru (Pitri) Paksha, also known as Mahalaya Paksha, will begin at the Full Moon on September 17. It will extend until the New Moon of October 2. Pitru Paksha is the “fortnight of the ancestors” in the Vedic calendar. This is a 16–lunar day period when the ancestors (pitris or pitrs) are honored through offerings and ceremonies. During this period, death rites are performed on certain days according to specific rules. These are called shraddha or tarpana. This is a wonderful period for all kinds of ancestral healing and propitiation.
September 18 to October 12: Venus in Libra - May Harmony and Peace Abound
Venus will transit in its own sign of Libra from September 18 to October 12. Here Venus will be in its own powerful sign placement, where it exhibits its lovely qualities of emotional balance, diplomacy, artistry, prosperity, elegance, and humanitarianism. Those with the air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) in the Ascendant, Sun, or Moon will especially benefit from the good fortune of this transit. This transit may bring much-needed balance into the world by its influx of some harmonious and peaceful vibrations.
September 22: Autumnal Equinox - The Beginning of Astronomical Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere
The autumnal equinox and the beginning of astronomical autumn will occur on Sunday, September 22 at 8:43 AM EDT, and 12:43 PM UTC. (Check TimeandDate for your specific time zone if it is different.) This will be the spring equinox and the beginning of astronomical spring in the southern hemisphere.
The day before, the day of, and the day after an equinox are a very sensitive time when the Earth and our own energy systems undergo a significant shift. We should protect our health which will be more vulnerable now. We should not plan to initiate any significant changes during this time (don’t get engaged, married, start a business or new job, and so on).
In other words, it is not a time for new beginnings because the Sun is sankranti. This means that the Sun is in process of changing its position. As a result, it is not strong and stable enough to help bring forward any desired long-term results. This period is, however, a wonderful time for healing and contemplative practices and ceremony.
At the equinoxes, the Sun begins moving north of the celestial equator in the southern hemisphere, and moving south of the celestial equator in the northern hemisphere. The equinox is a balance point when the Sun momentarily pauses and recharges on its journey across the celestial equator. It would be especially helpful on the day of the equinox to awaken early and meditate on the sunrise and the Light within, aligning with a sense of inner peace, harmony, gratitude, and renewal of hope and purpose.
September 23 to October 10: Mercury in Virgo - Mental Focus Versus Pressure
Mercury will transit in Virgo from September 23 to October 10. Mercury is exalted here and in its own sign, which means it has a great deal of strength to its expression. Commonly, Mercury in Virgo may enhance more balanced thought processes, efficiency, and practicality. You might also have an increased orientation to analysis and detail; a focus on healing and health; and a strong impulse to create order and harmony.
However, the effects of Mercury in Virgo are significantly modified this year because Ketu is transiting in Virgo. Specifically, Mercury will conjoin Ketu through the last week of September, and they will both also conjoin the Sun at the same time. Mercury will also conjoin the Sun, Moon, and Ketu in the upcoming October 2 New Moon-solar eclipse.
In its higher expression, this aspect involving Mercury may activate our intuitive faculties and help set forth new ideas and insights. In its lower expression, Mercury could come under some negative pressure, leading to intellectual disagreements, extreme anger, chaotic behavior, massive communication breakdowns, and an intensification of propaganda and censorship threats.
In the last week of September, Mercury will trine Uranus, indicating exciting news or new ideas; Mercury will also trine Pluto after that, suggesting an ability to look deeply into things; but Mercury will also square Mars and oppose Neptune and Rahu , which can cause distrust, deception, confusion, transportation accidents, and major storms.
September 29: The Christian Feast of the Archangels - May All Be Blessed!
One of my favorite Christian holy days is the Feast of the Archangels, which takes place annually on September 29. In ancient times in much of Western Europe, this sacred celebration was observed as Michaelmas, a great religious feast centered around the harvest. Today, it is a day that commemorates the three Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. These archangels are a divine gift meant to help us on our earthly journey. They are always ready to assist us when we call on them, and in dire circumstances they will appear to help us even without our request.
Archangel Michael, Divine Protector—We invoke Michael to protect us with a healing shield of Light to defend us from the negative power.
Archangel Gabriel, God’s Messenger—We invoke Gabriel to help us tune in and receive Divine inspiration and wisdom.
Archangel Raphael, God’s Healing Angel—We invoke Raphael to bring forth curative vibrations that will heal and bless all beings everywhere.
May all of us come to realize the reality of the archangels in their mission to serve us as part of the higher plan on Earth. Holy angels, we thank you for protecting, guiding, and healing us as we make our way through this amazing journey of life!
September 30: Mercury in Superior Conjunction - A New Path Ahead
On September 30, Mercury will pass very close to the Sun as its orbit carries it around the far side of the solar system away from the Earth. This is known as Mercury’s Superior Conjunction. This event marks the end of Mercury's morning apparition and its transition to the evening sky which will take place over the next week or so. Mercury’s Superior Conjunction can trigger an epiphany of sorts, when something that was confusing in the past starts to become clearer, or when our path ahead opens up so that we can see our way forward.
I hope that you enjoyed reading my September update! As you can see, this month will have some possibly difficult events, including Uranus retrograde, Mars under pressure, and a challenging lunar eclipse. Fortunately, we should experience some relief toward the end of the month, with the Fall Equinox and the lovely feast of the Archangels.
I wish all my readers a peaceful and splendid September!
So glad I found your work Julianna. You read the stars as they are in the sidereal sky and offer clear interpretations of their dynamics. Sounds like a bumpy ride these next months with Mercury, Uranus and the autumnal eclipse season.
Juliana, would you be able to share more on "the negative power manifesting through the mass mind"? or guide me to any resources or writings you have on this. Thank you so much, your monthly forecasts, always insightful and generous!