(Please note that this and all my other forecasts are based on the sidereal zodiac, not the tropical system used by most western astrologers.)
Mercury is transiting in Taurus for almost 10 weeks, from April 24 to July 2, 2022. During this period, Mercury will retrograde from May 10 to June 3. On average, Mercury transits in one sign for about 27 days, but when it retrogrades it can stay in a sign for much longer, as in this case.
A retrograde planet appears to be moving backward from our view on Earth. It is also closer to the Earth than usual, and so it is brighter and draws our attention to it. At the same time, a retrograde planet’s energy is turning inward. Thus, it requires our conscious attention and strength of will to explore, examine, and activate whatever it represents.
The approximate three-week retrograde cycle of Mercury happens three-four times a year. In 2022, Mercury will retrograde four times in sidereal earth signs Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo, indicating that the world at large will be mostly challenged with practical day-to-day matters.
According to Sage Parashara, the Father of Vedic Astrology, Mercury is the lord of the earth element (prithvi tattwa). Earth is connected to “artha,” the purushartha (aim of life) that represents living in the material world. Artha comprises our values, work, and the resources we need to fulfill our dharma and live in the state of being that fulfills our highest purpose.
Our physical body is included as part of artha, as it is one of our greatest resources. As Mercury retrogrades in his own element in 2022, we should focus on clarifying and aligning with our important values; work to create more material security and prosperity in our lives; and aim to improve our health, which includes strengthening bodily vigor.
The earth element also represents the emotions of fear and courage. If our earth element is not well attuned, Mercury retrograde in an earth sign will highlight our insecurities, and we may find ourselves feeling frustrated, critical, and anxious when we are not achieving the results we desire. We must then learn to be more grounded, steady, and practical; to create a stronger internal connection to our core so that we are not pulled off track; to remember to live in the heart; and, to cultivate and act with courage, no matter what our external circumstances.
Mercury will retrograde back through the first ten-degree portion (drekkana) of Taurus, a sign of material wealth, values, possessions, and creative self-expression. Any of these areas may come into focus when Mercury retrogrades here. Generally, but also depending on the house position of Taurus in the birth chart, the retrograde period may be a time to reconnect or reconcile with someone from the past, or to revisit or recommit to something we had let go of in the past, with an emphasis on creating clear practical solutions and tangible results.
The first drekkana (ten degrees) of Taurus typically has a very tenacious and determined quality. This area occupies the fiery Krittika nakshatra, which lies within the last three degrees and twenty minutes of Aries and the first ten degrees of Taurus. Krittika is ruled by Agni, lord of fire, and Kartikeya, the great Vedic warrior. The name Krittika refers to “one who cuts.” When Mercury is here, a strong desire to cut away and break through obstacles may manifest for some.
The retrograde Mercury transit in Taurus/Krittika can be somewhat agitating for communication, and especially for those who struggle with mental health issues, because the mind energy can become overheated; other areas that may be disrupted by this transit include travel; commerce, trade, finances, banking, loans, securities, and investments.; and, food production and distribution.
Krittika nakshatra also relates to the arts; social justice; child welfare issues/ childbearing, abortion, adoption, and foster parenting; armed forces; war materials and explosives; defense departments; police; political leaders; destructive energies, fires, and accidents; industrial manufacturing; building contractors; chemicals and chemical engineering; debts and debt mitigation, and loan recovery or forgiveness. Any of these areas may be somehow highlighted or disturbed and can become particularly divisive areas.
The pre-retrograde shadow period of this Mercury retrograde cycle extends from April 24 to May 10, 2022. During this time, we will become aware of the themes that will play out in our lives during the retrograde period. The post-retrograde cycle will span from June 3 to June 18, 2022, during which time we will be adjusting to the shifts that occurred in the previous month.
An important area of professional astrological consultation involves evaluating planetary transits in reference to how they impact a natal or mundane horoscope. In this case, the astrologer will focus on any specific opportunities indicated by the house position of transiting Mercury, and the aspects it makes to other transiting or natal planets. Vedic astrologers will additionally suggest remedial measures when needed to minimize potential difficulties and maximize positive potential. Because Lord Agni, ruler of fire, is the deity associated with Krittika, fire ceremonies can be especially helpful remedies for Mercury’s transit here.
If a retrograde planet is stationary in close aspect to a natal planet or other sensitive chart points, the effects can be quite powerful. Often in such instances, memorable events will occur either before or after the exact time they become stationary. This requires very precise analysis to determine when this is happening and what its specific effects might be.
Mercury is considered a benefic planet (mostly beneficial, helpful) when it transits in Taurus, the sign of its friend Venus, so it is mostly fortunate in its effects in this sign and during its retrograde period. If it is transiting in an auspicious house, it will give overall positive results. If the house position is unfavorable, or if Mercury is involved in any malefic aspects, the more difficult effects will be reduced to a minimum. That said, a retrograde transit can bring delays and hindrances, but if we are living mindfully and consciously, we can learn a lot from these kinds of events during the retrograde period.
The operative pattern for re-trograde cycles can be found among a variety of words prefixed by “re,” as in this being a time to re-consider, re-check, re-organize, re-energize, re-affirm, re-formulate, re-generate, re-define, re-negotiate, re-novate, re-discover, re-consider, re-group, etc. It is suggested that we be cautious with travel, transportation, and communication systems during Mercury retrograde cycles, as various kinds of snafus tend to happen more frequently.
At a deeper level, Mercury retrograde is a time when Mercury/Hermes awakens in his role as “psychopomp,” a soul guide according to ancient Greek mythology. As Mercury retrogrades, he guides us into the underworld, reminding us to slow down and take time to journey within ourselves to reevaluate and reinvigorate whatever he is influencing in our lives.
Om, with loving reverence I bow to Lord Mercury, known as Budha,
Lord of intellect and master of communications,
Who is free of fear and full of fun, wit, and wisdom,
And a great source of peace and joyful inspiration.
You, Mercury, help to destroy all the bad dreams of the world.
Self-illumined, you shine like pure beautiful gold.
May your retrograde journey through Taurus be auspicious and meaningful.
And may you and we remain steady throughout.
Om Aim Budhaya Namah!
Very informative post. I will pay special attention to all the "re" actions while traveling. 🤞
Very creative: re-consider, re-check, re-organize, re-energize, re-affirm, re-formulate, re-generate, re-define, re-negotiate, re-novate, re-discover, re-consider, re-group!!!