Blessings of the Yuletide Season
Celebrating the Solstice, Hanukkah, Christmas, and the Twelve Holy Days
The Winter Solstice triggers a time in which the inner light is kindled in spite of outer darkness. It is a time to give birth to and awaken the higher self. Spiritual impulse is born anew within us, adding light and strengthening the love principle within our life. (Ted Andrews)
I hope everyone is enjoying a peaceful and fulfilling Solstice! As many of us take breaks from work and spend time with our families, I hope that you are appreciating the special spiritual energy that is around us during this magical season.
Around the Winter Solstice, the Sun's path directs the cosmic energies that bathe our planet. The electromagnetic energies (kundalini) within the Earth shift direction, mirroring the apparent movement of the Sun as it reverses its southern course and turns northward.
From December 21 until December 24, the Sun and the Earth appear to reach a still point in which the cosmic forces and kundalini energy of the planet are being renewed, integrated, and stabilized. During this sensitive time, we each have the opportunity to go deep inside ourselves to rekindle the spiritual light.
After this, the celebration of Twelve Days and Thirteen Holy Nights of Christmas, known as the Yuletide, will occur from Christmas to January 6. This is an opportune time for meditation and contemplative prayer. This is also an ideal period for creative manifestation practices. Pay extra attention to any omens, oracles, and messages coming to you, as they will be ripe with information which can help you prepare for the coming year!
According to Alice Bailey's teachings in Esoteric Astrology:
The light from the Sun penetrates the outer atmospheric layers of Earth during the Autumnal Equinox, and at Winter Solstice, the light penetrates the core of our globe. From a distance outside our solar system, Earth looks like a fiery sphere spinning in the heavens. During the Spring Equinox, the light once again is on the periphery of Earth, and at Summer Solstice, the light is high in the heavens. Note that the light is deep within the core of Earth during winter and high in the heavens during summer. This is both a metaphor and a reality on inner levels.
We can minister to our own personal psychology if we attune ourselves to the influences of the different radiances of light falling to Earth each month and during the solstices and equinoxes. Light waves descending to and ascending outward from Earth are an occult fact, meaning an inner reality not seen by most.
Those of us desiring a more complete communion with spiritual forces must come to intelligent terms with this reality, for it is the movement of these ever-changing currents of light poured upon Earth that provide our evolutionary growth. These surges of power propel all kingdoms on Earth upward, lift the spinal spirit fire of the body into the heart and head centers, and have the effect of providing illumination for those of us who have prepared through intelligence and intention to participate.
The gateway to the realms of Light opens on the day of the Winter Solstice and remains open until the night of the Summer Solstice. Let us use this six-month cycle to strengthen our connection with the Divine, and to channel more Love and Light into our precious world.
✨✨✨The Great Invocation✨✨✨
From the point of Light within the Mind of God,
Let light stream forth into human minds.
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God,
Let love stream forth into human hearts.
May Divine Light prevail on Earth.
From the center where the Will of God is known,
Let purpose guide all little human wills—
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the center which we call the human race,
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out,
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light, Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
(The Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul, as written in the Alice Bailey texts, modern adaptation).
I wish all my readers the greatest blessings of the Solstice, Christmas, Hanukkah, the Yuletide (The Twelve Days of Christmas), and any other holidays that you celebrate during this time of year! May the beauty of this season warm your hearts and guide your way forward into a happy New Year.
For the first time in 25 years I have an office with windows with an amazing view to the East. I have been observing the Sun and its path since May and noticing how how it makes me feel during each season, day, and hour. Of course living in the PNW we are especially excited to see any sunlight at all, and recently it feels different -- more white and more healing. I love the Alice Bailey quote and was inspired to imagine how the Earth might look to other beings from the vast spaces in the heavens. Thank you for sharing this timely information and wishing you great peace this season.
I have so appreciated your posts and shares this past year. May you always be blessed with the light of jyotish!