August 2024 Vedic Astrology Forecast
Mercury retrograde, the month of Shiva (Shravana), a Full Supermoon, and more!
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Who's ready for a new month? A lot is happening in the sky mirror in August, with Mercury retrograde, Mars and Jupiter in a planetary war, some stressful energy around the Supermoon of August 19, and so much more.
As always, there will be highs and lows. We will need to be especially mindful this month as the air element will be out of balance in terms of having so few planets in air signs, while Saturn (the planet that rules the air element) is retrograde in an air sign (Aquarius). This can generally result in feeling burned out, stuck, anxious, irritable, or alienated.
Let's talk about all of the major cosmic shifts that will happen in August:
August 1-4: Balsamic Moon - Time to Slow Down, Restore, and Prepare for the New Moon
The Balsamic Moon phase will occur at the end of the old lunar month. This is a good time to slow down, retreat, reflect, release, and restore our energy in preparation for the new lunar month ahead. August's New Moon will occur in Ashlesha nakshatra, Sagittarius navamsa, and at the beginning of Shiva’s month (Shravana), which means that it’s more important than ever to detox and reset physically, mentally, and spiritually in the days ahead.
August 2 to 5: Mars Conjoins the Fixed Star Aldebaran - Extreme Energies
From August 2 to 5, fiery Mars will conjoin the fixed star Aldebaran (using a one-degree orb). This orange-red giant lies within Taurus at 15 degrees and 55 minutes of zodiacal longitude. Although the Mars conjunction with Aldebaran occurs every few years, this time Mars and Aldebaran will also receive a simultaneous aspect from Ketu, whose nature is similar to Mars. This may activate over-heated conditions and extreme energies in the world.
Mars in conjunction with Aldebaran has been associated with danger and violence; political, humanitarian, or financial crises; and natural or man-made disasters. It may also have favorable consequences in scientific, technological, and business matters. On a personal level, you might feel creative and spiritual, but may struggle with agitation or irritation.
August 4: New Moon in Cancer - The Power to Inflict Poison or Transmute It
The New Moon will occur on August 4 at 7:13 AM EDT (11:13 AM UTC). The New Moon will occupy 18 degrees of Cancer in Ashlesha nakshatra. The shakti of this asterism is the power to inflict poison, or to transmute it.
Thus, the lower expression of this placement can be very low in terms of criminal activity, attacks on others, deception, selfishness, extremist behaviors, obsession, fear, or paranoia. However, there is also a higher expression of Ashlesha, which manifests in the power to rise above the negative aspects of the world and transform them into something more positive. This New Moon day will therefore be a good time to lie low, look within, and focus on self-improvement and problem solving.
In the United States (Washington, DC), the Ascendant of the New Moon chart will occupy the 29th degree of Cancer. This cusp at the end of Cancer (and beginning of Leo) is known as the gandanta in Vedic astrology. It is a transformative edge between the water and fire elements, which can signify a knotted up or explosive energy, heightened emotional intensity, and one or more significant turning points in the coming weeks.
August 4 to September 3: The Shravana Month of Shiva - A Time for Purification of Body, Mind, and Spirit
The New Moon will kick off the most spiritual month of the year in the Vedic tradition, known as Shravana Maas. This is the month of Shravana which commemorates the legendary tale of Lord Shiva’s defeat of Yama, the god of death.
This month also celebrates the victory of Lord Shiva when he drank the halahala. This is the poison that sprang out of the Samudra Manthan, the epic churning of the great ocean performed by the gods and demons in search of the nectar of immortality.
These myths are allegories about the human condition and spiritual transcendence. In other words, they are symbolic of the need to face and transmute our own karmic limitations within the material world, so that we can ultimately receive divine benediction and attain spiritual wisdom.
Keep in mind also that the whole universe is rejuvenated by the mystical Shiva Tattva during Shravana month. The Shiva Tattva is the highest and purest transcendental essence of nature. It purifies and refines body, mind, and spirit. It is easily accessed by performing various rituals like fasting, mantra japa, prayer, pujas, holy baths, and other such offerings. These practices will be highly energized, powerful, and effective during this time.
August 5-28: Mercury Retrograde - Time to Step Back, Reflect, and Reconsider What’s Important
Mercury will station retrograde on August 5 at ten degrees of Leo. It will station direct on August 28 at 27 degrees of Cancer. Mercury retrograde in Leo can be a stressful time of setbacks and changes for world leaders. This transit is generally not a good time to make speculative investments. The days leading into Mercury’s retrograde station and any time throughout this transit can be a time of economic instability or trend reversals in financial markets. Mercury retrograde in late Cancer can also point to safety and security issues, upsets in domestic and family matters, and irrational attitudes and behaviors.
Mercury in retrograde motion is often associated with miscommunication, vexation, reversals, delays, storms, accidents, and difficulties with travel, transportation, machinery, technology, and business matters. This period is contraindicated for signing a contract or initiating any new venture. If you have no choice, you should consult with a Vedic astrologer like myself to help you choose the most opportune dates.
Quite often during Mercury retrograde cycles, we have to face someone or something that was unresolved in the past, in order to bring closure.
If retrograde Mercury is closely interfacing with your own natal horoscope and planetary cycles, then this period will be most impactful and could possibly be challenging for you. This topic is one that I typically discuss in consultation with my clients.
During a Mercury retrograde cycle, and especially in the first eleven days of it, our non-linear intuitive mind (right brain) becomes more active than our linear mind (left brain), helping us to think creatively and “outside the box.” However, we need to slow down and take time to contemplate and listen deeply if we want to make the most of this period and avoid communication breakdowns and lapses in memory.
Although Mercury retrograde may bring some disruptions, it may also have a positive influence. As the Messenger Mercury retrogrades, he is said to be traveling in the Underworld. This represents a time when we each have greater access into the unconscious mind, which can help us gain insight and solve problems in surprising ways. New understanding can be brought to light to help us overcome any perceived limitations.
I like to take a positive approach to Mercury retrograde cycles. I believe that this retrograde period will allow us to catch up, regroup, and reorganize. We can also take this time to step back, reflect, and reconsider what’s most important in our lives!
August 11: The End of the Dog Days of Summer - Cooler Days Ahead!
The phrase “Dog Days" conjures up the hottest, most sultry days of summer in the northern hemisphere. The traditional timing of the Dog Days comprises 40 days or so beginning around July 3 and ending around August 11. The latter date coincides with the heliacal rising of the Dog Star Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. This occurs when Sirius reappears in the early morning sky after having been absent from view for some time.
The date of the heliacal rising of Sirius will vary depending on your location (August 11 is just an average). Where I live in New Mexico, Sirius will probably rise around August 7. For those in New England, it will be around August 16. You can start looking for it about 45 minutes before sunrise in the eastern sky. This 2023 EarthSky article will help you find the rising date for your area.
August 14: Mars and Jupiter Conjunct and in Planetary War - The Paradox of Passion
Mars and Jupiter will conjoin within an effective orb of influence from August 4-24. Their conjunction will be exact on August 14 at 22 degrees of Taurus. When Mars and Jupiter conjoin, this is known as Guru Mangala Yoga in Vedic astrology. This conjunction in its highest expression represents passion, dynamism, vitality, confidence, and intelligence. It may further suggest skillful negotiations and the spirit of enterprise.
This may be an especially beneficial transit for those with Mars and Jupiter ruled signs in the Ascendant, Sun, or Moon in either the main rashi chart or the navamsa chart. If your Ascendant or important planets are in Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, or Pisces this could be a positive time for you!
In its less positive expression, this conjunction can point to extreme events, ideological conflicts, civil unrest, and increased seismic or storm activity. Perhaps the most sensitive time for these kinds of events will be during the Mars-Jupiter planetary war (graha yuddha) which will occur from August 13-17.
During this time, passions may turn toxic, and the world may see heightening economic and political chaos, conflicts, and disputes. Some may experience legal, relationship, or financial troubles with this aspect. One of my favorite remedies in general and for this condition specifically is to walk, hike, or swim laps while chanting my mantras.
August 15: Indian Independence Day - Time to Celebrate!
The modern horoscope for India is set for August 15, 1947 at midnight in New Delhi. This day is celebrated every year as a public holiday in India commemorating the nation's independence from the United Kingdom. This will be 77 years ago this year. Happy Independence Day!
August 15: Feast of the Assumption of Divine Mother Mary - Blessing of the Waters
The ancient Feast of the Assumption of Divine Mother Mary will occur on August 15. This annual holy day commemorates Mary’s ascension to Heaven. In the past, it was celebrated as a day to bless herbs, vineyards, grains, flowers, and fruits, as Mother Mary is the overseer of all plant life. In Marian liturgies, Mary herself is often compared to flowers like lilies and roses known for their purity and beauty.
The Feast of the Assumption is celebrated as a public holiday known as Ferragosto in Italy. This day is also revered for the Blessing of the Waters in the Catholic faith. All the oceans and waters in our world flow with peace and holiness and are transformed into healing waters by Mother Mary on this special day!
August 16 to September 16: Sun in Leo - A Vibrant Time of the Year
The Sun will enter sidereal Leo on August 16. According to Vedic astrology, this marks a special spiritually blessed day called “Simha Sankranti.” It is also a Vishnupati day. This special event occurs when the Sun enters a fixed sign like Leo. On Vishnupati days, Lord Vishnu is said to make a special appearance to bless devotees with prosperity, spiritual bliss, happiness, and peace of mind. Pujas and other rituals are performed on these days.
When the Sun transits in its own sign of Leo the Lion, its expression is especially vital, dynamic, regal, fortunate, generous, adventurous, and powerful. In general, it can suggest quite a vibrant time of year for many of us. During this time, the whole mind-body-spirit system will naturally seek to rejuvenate and re-empower itself.
August 16: Mars Square Saturn - Time to Cultivate Patience and Remain Calm
Mars in Taurus will form an exact square with Saturn in Aquarius on August 16, but this aspect will be within an effective orb of influence from August 11-20. The square is a tense 90-degree aspect. When it occurs between these two planets, it can point to feeling blocked, restricted, agitated, or frustrated.
This is not a good time to “rock the boat.” Better that we take it easy now, cultivate patience, remain calm, and just focus on maintaining the status quo. When these two planets have previously squared off in the same sign placements as this one, the world experienced political upheaval, terror attacks, riots, and other forms of criminality and mass violence.
August 17: Shani Trayodashi - A Great Day for Saturn Propitiation
Shani Trayodashi will occur on August 17. This happens when the Trayodashi tithi (thirteenth day of the lunar month) falls on a Saturday (Saturn’s Day). This is a special day in the Vedic calendar for worshiping Lord Shani (Saturn) through pujas, fasting, mantra practices, ritual offerings, and other such observances.
August 18: Mercury at Inferior Conjunction - Tune In for Important Messages at This Time
On August 18, retrograde Mercury will form an exact conjunction with the Sun at two degrees of Leo. This is known as Mercury’s inferior conjunction. It usually occurs about two weeks into the Mercury retrograde cycle. At this time, we may be able to tap into some important information and guidance that leads us to metaphorically plant seeds for something new to develop.
Mercury will be forming an exact square aspect with transiting Uranus on this day, too. This aspect may bring some unexpected news. What is revealed now is likely to emerge more clearly around Mercury’s direct station on August 28. Between now and then, you may be thinking about a future decision. However, you should wait until after Mercury goes direct to make any life-altering decisions or to initiate something new.
August 19: Super Full Moon/Shravan Purnima - A Time For Contemplation, Mindfulness, and Gratitude
The Full Moon of August will occur on August 19 at 2:26 PM EDT (6:26 PM UTC). Known to various Native American tribes as the "Sturgeon Moon, “Full Corn Moon,” "Moon When All Things Ripen," “Wheat Cut Moon," and "Blueberry Moon," this particular lunation represents the fullness of summertime in the northern hemisphere. This also represents the fullness of wintertime in the southern hemisphere!
The Full Moon is always one of the most optimal times of the month for healing and spirituality. This one is extra-special for such matters since it occurs during the most auspicious Shravana month and in the sign of Aquarius, the Water Bearer who pours forth the “cosmic waters of life,” i.e. divine power, healing, and wisdom. The Full Moon further occupies Dhanishta nakshatra, which is symbolized by Lord Shiva's drum (damru) beating out the eternal heartbeat of the cosmos.
However, in the days around this Full Moon, some disharmonious and tumultuous astral energies may also be at play. I say this for a few reasons:
First, it will be a Supermoon. This is a Full Moon that occurs during the Moon’s closest approach to the Earth in its elliptical orbit (perigee). Supermoons are associated with greater than usual lunar effects, in terms of high tides, seismic events, storms, shocking events, and emotional intensity.
Second, many of the planets will be making challenging aspects at the time of this Full Moon, such as the aforementioned Mercury retrograde, Mercury-Uranus square, and Mars-Saturn square. The following additional aspects will also be in place and contributing to the intensity:
The Full Moon, the Sun (and Mercury) will form a T-Square with Uranus, indicating the potential for cyber incidents, revolt, turmoil, and unprecedented events.
Venus will square Jupiter, indicating the potential for negligence, extravagance, uncontrolled emotions, or economic and political chaos.
Venus will be opposite Saturn, indicating the potential for stress, anxiety, disillusionment, and disputes.
Jupiter will square Saturn, indicating the potential for protests, upheaval, opposition, conflict, pessimism, and disappointment.
Venus will square Mars, indicating the potential for power struggles, aggression, impatience, and a loss of control (see more about this below).
It’s clear that a great deal of negativity is being expressed at this time in the world, and especially in the United States. We can each try to avoid being swept up by it. These challenging aspects can have a positive effect, too, when we use them to facilitate our own personal growth and transformation — to help us face and rise above the darkness, confront our limitations, overcome our weaknesses, and cultivate peace and harmony instead.
August 20 to 23: Mercury in the Gandanta - Stress, Upheaval, or Breakdowns in Communication, Technology, or Transportation
Retrograde Mercury will transit across the sensitive, emotionally charged, and potentially chaotic Cancer-Leo gandanta (cusp) from August 20 to 23. During these days, we might expect some stress or upheaval. We will need to be extra-cautious to avoid communication breakdowns and errors in decision-making.
Mercury crossed the same gandanta area last month, from July 18 to 21. During this time, a major global IT outage grounded flights, hit banks, communication networks, 911 emergency call centers, and businesses around the world. The problem was apparently caused by a defect found in a single content update for Windows from the cybersecurity company CrowdStrike. Another issue that happened on the heels of this transit took place on July 21 when Joe Biden—in the midst of a shocking campaign crisis—quit his presidential re-election bid.
As Mercury again crosses the gandanta (this time in retrograde motion), similar intense events could occur now, and also again early next month in the post-retrograde period (from Sept. 2 to 5).
August 21: Venus Square Mars - Passion, Melodrama, Conflict, or Stress
On August 21, Mars will square Venus (this is known as the fourth aspect of Mars in Vedic astrology). The stressful aspect will be within a three-degree effective orb from August 18-27. It can bring a great deal of passion, strong emotions, conflict in all kinds of relationships, and stress over finances.
August 23: Nag Panchami - Time to Honor the Primordial Cosmic Power
The Vedic holy festival of Nag (or Naga) Panchami will occur on August 23 this year in the western part of the world, and on August 24 in the eastern half (five days after the Full Moon according to the amanta calendar system). It was also already celebrated on August 9 in the tradition that calculates the lunar month starting at the New Moon (purnimanta calendar system). Either way, this is a day to pay homage to the sacred “Naga” power which exists within all of nature as the primordial cosmic power. This energy is expressed as the mystical serpent power or kundalini shakti symbolized by the Nagas, who are transformational celestial beings. Lord Shiva is honored on Nag Panchami, as Shiva rules over the kingdom of the Nagas. It can be very helpful this day to do special prayers and mantras invoking Lord Shiva.
August 24 to September 18: Venus in Virgo - Time to Mind the Heart
Venus will transit in Virgo from August 24 to September 18. Venus is in its fall or debilitation (known as “neecha” in Vedic astrology). With Venus in this position, you may feel physically or emotionally drained. You could also become prone to critical or negative thinking, experience a sense of isolation, or feel frustrated. This is an especially important time to mind the heart and cultivate compassion for oneself and others.
August 26: Krishna Janmashtami - Happy Birthday to the Lord of Perfect Love!
Krishna Janmashtami will be celebrated on August 26 throughout the world. This is the annual Vedic and Hindu festival that commemorates the birth of Lord Krishna, the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu.
Krishna is often called the God of Love. It is written in the Bhagavad-Gita that Krishna said, "I am the same to all beings, and my love is ever the same; but those who worship me with devotion, they are in me and I am in them." Happy Birthday, Lord Krishna. Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna! Hare Rama, Hare Rama! Jai Gurudev!
August 26 to October 20: Mars in Gemini - Potential for Restlessness and Anxiety
Mars will transit in Gemini from August 26 to October 20. In its higher expression, Mars in Gemini can signify a scientific or mechanical disposition, a strategic and analytical mind, a love of travel, desire to learn, musical and literary interests, and a taste for elegance.
Its lower expression can manifest in respiratory diseases, neck-arm-hand-shoulder problems, speech difficulties, impatience, attention deficit disorders, a lack of completion, educational difficulties, restlessness, nerve problems, anger, irritation, anxiety, and insomnia. You might experience any of these benefits or issues during this upcoming transit.
In addition to moving through Gemini in August, September, and October, Mars will return to this sign in January. Specifically, it will be in Gemini from January 20 to April 2. Mars normally spends only about one-and-a-half to two months in each sign transit. However, about every 26 months, Mars retrogrades and spends a much longer time than usual in one sign, as it will during this transit in Gemini.
When a planet transits for a lengthy period in one sign, it brings a significant focus and influence into the astrological sign and house that it occupies. This suggests that certain concerns that we experience related to the initial Mars in Gemini transit may remain unresolved or will continue to be a strong area of focus until early April of 2025.
The Mars in Gemini transit is an important topic that I am currently discussing with my clients in consultation. I also plan to offer a sign-by-sign guide to Mars in Gemini as a thank you to my generous paid subscribers. Look for that sometime in August!
August 28: Mercury Stationary Direct - Time to Move Forward
Mercury will station direct at 5:14 PM EDT (9:14 PM UTC). If you’ve been experiencing some mental fog, stagnation, uncertainty, setbacks, or delays during these past 23 days, some of this may now start to resolve over the coming days and weeks as Mercury moves direct and travels forward through its post-retrograde shadow phase that will extend to September 11. Especially sensitive people may feel a bit of a wobbly energy for a few days before the direct station, as Mercury represents our nervous system.
As you can see, August will be a dramatic time, with Mercury retrograde, Mars under stress, a powerful Supermoon, a great number of extremely stressful aspects between the planets, but also several important spiritual celebrations. I hope that you are able to maintain your equanimity during these challenging cosmic changes and harness the powerful spiritual energy that will wash over our Earth during the final full month of summer!
Fairest of the months!
Ripe summer's queen
The hey-day of the year
With robes that gleam with sunny sheen
Sweet August doth appear. (R. Combe Miller)
This is a picture of Lord Shiva’s flower, known as Datura, which blooms in the wild in the summer months where I live in the high desert of New Mexico. Read more about it in my previous article titled The Sacred Datura (July 22, 2022).
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Wow! That's a lot going on!! Thank you for the head's up.
Thank you, Juliana! I’m curious about your thoughts on natal mercury retrograde. I’ve read everything from ‘these people thrive during transit mercury retrograde’ to natal retrograde causing an exaggerated (and unnecessary) internal focus in some area of the person’s life. I know it’s likely to be a huge topic, but I wonder if there is some general assumption one can make.
As always, thank you for your analysis. It helps me get a feel for the time ahead.